The Details


For those that are not staying at the Wood Mountain Regional Park, here is a list of Motels/Hotels in the area:

Canalta Hotel
601 1st Avenue West, Assiniboia
(306) 642-1010

121 Steakhouse Lounge & Motel
121 3rd Avenue East, Assiniboia
(306) 642-4662

Franklin Hotel & Motel
101 Centre Street, Assiniboia
(306) 642-3377

Bar B Motel
200 1st Street East, Assiniboia
(306) 642-5951

Request for Cabin

There are 7 cabins + the Cook’s Cabin that are located in Camp Woodboia. The 7 cabins can sleep up to 8 people each and include 4 bunk beds with double sized beds. Please make sure to bring a foam mattress and bedding.

Reservations are on a first come first served basis. We would like to ensure the maximum amount of people are able to be accommodated in the cabins so please take this into consideration when making sleeping arrangements. You can contact us directly via email at to request a cabin. Please see the list below for the cabin assignments to date:

Cook’s Cabin – Lisette Préfontaine & Family
Cabin #1 – Victor Préfontaine & Family
Cabin #2 – Denise Charlton & Family
Cabin #3 – Gisele Préfontaine & Family
Cabin #4 – Edith McMinn & Family
Cabin #5 – Simon Préfontaine & Family
Cabin #6 – Berthe Denis & Family
Cabin #7 – Rémi Labrecque & Family, Albert, Colten and Tyson Préfontaine


The registration fee for the 2018 reunion will go towards helping cover the rental costs for the facilities and will also include the following meals:

  • Friday – Supper
  • Saturday – Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
  • Sunday – Breakfast, Brunch, Supper
  • Monday – Breakfast


  • $85 per Adult (13 years and older)
  • $40 per Youth (6 – 12 years old)
  • Children (5 years and under) are free

Options for Payment

  • Email money transfer (
  • Mail cheque to (Melissa Préfontaine, PO Box 7, Gravelbourg, SK, S0H 1X0). Please make cheque payable to Melissa Préfontaine.

Please note

  • No daily rates; full weekend only.
  • Money refunded only for exceptional circumstances.
  • All registration fees must be paid in full by the deadline on Friday, June 8th, 2018

Camping and Park Details

The Wood Mountain Regional Park has a small selection of campsites that are available to be reserved (please see their website below for more details). The majority of their sites are available on a first come first served basis. There are a limited number of powered sites that will be available throughout the park so if you have a generator and can use that for your trailer there will be more options for camping locations closer to Camp Woodboia.

In order to ensure that there is enough space for group activities in the Camp Woodboia circle, we will be limiting the number of trailers that will be able to park in this area (also due to the increased size of some trailers). For those that are staying in the camp, please park trailers and set up tents around the perimeter of the circle. We also ask for all vehicles to be parked outside the gate or near the gate entrance.

Camping Fees
Power & Water (30 amp) . . . . . . . . . . $30.00/Night
Power (15 amp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23.00/Night
Non-serviced Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00/Night

Regional Park Entrance Fees
Season Park Pass . . . . . . . $45.00
Day Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.00

*Each vehicle that enters the park will have to pay the Regional Park Fee for the number of days they are remaining in the park or you can buy a season pass that is valid for all Regional Parks in Saskatchewan. Accepted form of payment is cash or cheque.

If you’d like more information about the Wood Mountain Regional Park please visit


As much as we all adore our fury little four-legged family members, we kindly ask that you make other arrangements for them if possible for the weekend. If you must bring your dog, please adhere to the Wood Mountain Regional Park rules that all dogs must be leashed at all times and owners must pick up and bag their dog’s waste. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Special Dietary Needs

We have tried, as much as possible, to consider all of the food issues out there when planning the meals. We will label items with lactose, gluten and nuts. If someone has serious issues, please email us and we will keep those requests in mind when purchasing food.

Guest Invitations

To avoid singling out some cousins, etc. from the others, no specific guests outside of the family will be formally invited. Should people hear about the reunion and wish to drop in to visit, they are welcome to do so on Sunday afternoon.

Family Variety Show

Time to showcase all of that “Prefontaine” talent that has been growing throughout the years! Your presentation can include anything from a skit to a musical performance or a beautiful talent that you’d love to share with the family. Please submit your program to the MC’s prior to Saturday evening. The MC’s for the evening are TBD.

Adult Scavenger Hunt


5 Teams

  • Each team has a limit of 20 players.
  • Sign-up sheets will be available at Kitchen/Hall Friday night.

5 Judges

  • Each team has a designated Judge to tally items as they are delivered.
  • Judges only accept items from the Team Runners.

Team Make-Up

  • Captain
  • 2 Runners: Runners do not scavenge. They run items to their judge, get them tallied and placed in tub for safe keeping. Process happens throughout the Hunt – so final totals should be quick. Best they have big hands and strong muscles to ward off local Robin Hoods.
  • 17 Scavengers


  • A dress-up theme will be assigned to each team.
  • Team with the best group costume receives a prize.


8:30 pm – Theme

  • Team Captains gather at Hall. Only Team Captains.
  • They bring their team Sign-Up Sheets.
  • Designate their 2 Runners. Runner’s names will be put on Lanyards for identification.
  • Get their Team Theme and have until 9:30 p.m. to work on dress-up.
  • Rest of Team stands on READY.

9:30 pm – Judging of Theme

  • Team members return to Hall for judging of Team Theme.
  • Judging will be crowd sourced. Winner takes all; no ties.
  • Winners take away some Scavenger Fortification to get them on their way.
  • Plus bragging rights!

10:00 pm – Let the Games Begin!

  • Each Team will get a Team Booket.
  • Teams have 1 hour, 15 minutes.

11:00 pm – Bell will ring the 15-minute warning.

11:15 pm Sharp! – Final Bell will ring.

  • Done. No further item entries accepted.
  • Come into Hall for final tallies.

11:30 pm – Trophy Presentation


We will be organizing a game of Slo-pitch on Sunday afternoon. Please see the sign up sheets in the hall. For ages 9 years and older.

Horseshoe Tournament

Interested in playing in the Horseshoe Tournament on Saturday and Sunday? Please see the sign up sheets in the hall for more information. (12 yrs and older)

Golf Tournament

If someone is interested in organizing the Golf Tournament in Willow Bunch on Monday, July 2nd please let us know.